Saturday, August 22, 2009

Diocesan Convention

Look for a quite different Diocesan Convention when we gather at Southfork Ranch on October 16-18. The centerpiece of the convention will be conversation--table conversations and plenary (the whole group) conversations.
The theme is "One Great Fellowship." Our convention delegates will be speaking and listen to each other. We will be engaging who we are as a diocese, as part of The Episcopal Church, and as part of the Anglican Communion. Speakers will relate each of these ways living our common life to being in covenant with one another.
One major change this year is that we won't be sitting at tables with our individual congregations this year. We will be seated at discussion tables the whole time--again, One Great Fellowship. Come looking forward to meeting and conversing with people you may not have met before. Each table will have a trained facilitator.
Two other events to look forward to: first we will welcome St.Paul's, Prosper as a mission. Look for something interesting from Fr. Michael Gilton. Second, we will have dancers from India as a special treat as well.
Bishop Stanton called this an "Unconventional Convention." It should be quite interesting as we focus on conversation rather than legislation as we celebrate our common life in convention.